Ayoo [09/06/23]

Ayoo [09/06/23]

Cover art to "the traveller and the cave" - one of the few ambient tracks I've made

It's currently 4:19AM. Sleep went out of cycle 'cause of a tooth ache but the dentist sorted that out - relief. ANYWAY. I'm feeling good, and I've been a bit busy making plans for the future and what's going to be happening here at DCC. Recently, I've been busting some more tunes, some on soundcloud - some more interesting ones in the works in the background - but now because I feel my production is getting closer to where I want it [but still a hella long way to go], I'm going to be taking some time to learn Blender (animation app, super cool!).

I wanted to get my animation game up now because I had a pretty cool idea which I'll likely be outlining at some point. Animation aside, I was going to be prototyping some woven labels with a couple of basic [classic] garments over the next six or so months. I'll see where that takes me too. Super vague I know, but fair reason - because I want to make a bigger announcement when there's more to show. Lots of love.

Aaron Britton